Judaism's Best Kept Secrets- A Course For Jewish Women
Course Outline
This course will run for 5 consecutive weeks on Tuesdays at 6:30-8pm
beginning on February 19th.
Class One – To Be a Jewish Woman
The vast majority of mitzvot are gender-free. Kabbalah offers a unique (and surprising!) perspective on those that are gender specific. How does this impact Jewish women today?
Class Two – Love and Intimacy
Do you believe in love? Why get married? Real girl talk and a frank discussion on the intense power of sexuality and its gift to humanity.
Class Three – Mikvah - Then and Now
It’s Judaism’s best kept secret . . . but it shouldn’t be anymore! Everything you wanted to know about Mikvah but didn’t know how to ask. Discover the key component to loving Jewishly.
Class Four - The Jewish Contribution
More than monotheism, beyond socialism or nationalism or the rights of man, the Jewish contribution to civilization has resonated for over 3,500 years. What is it?
Class Five – What Does It All Mean to Me, Anyway?
A discussion of life on campus, and in the working world today. Breaking the glass ceiling is no big deal, but where do relationships fit in?
To find out more or to sign up for this course please contact Chani at: [email protected]