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Goal: $80,000
$84,062.53 Total Raised
105% Complete

THANK YOU! WE DID IT! We raised $84,062 for Chabad at University of Illinois at Chicago & The Surrounding Community! Thank you to our generous matchers for making this a possibility, and a HUGE thank you goes to YOU for seizing the opportunity to do good.

Alice and Frank Kleinman

Olga and Alex Goldstein

Dana and Louie Whitesman

Jake Graham

Jessica and Jacob Cohen

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Chabad at UIC is a vibrant and dynamic resource for Jewish life, dedicated to providing every Jew, regardless of background, philosophy, or level of commitment  with a welcoming environment and a home away from home.

The Chabad House is an address to which students can turn for a delicious, homemade Shabbat dinner, a meaningful discussion, a thought provoking class, a shoulder to lean on in a time of need or hot matzah ball soup delivered when sick. The Chabad House is a warm and nurturing place in the hectic life of a college student.

Community members enjoy Jewish holiday events for families, the monthly Tot Shabbat program and events for young professionals in the area. So many have been excited to hear the Shofar in the park, visit the Mobile Sukkah and celebrate around the giant outdoor Menorah.

Rabbi Bentzy and Chani are available to students and the Jewish community in the area 24/7.

The Chabad House is entirely funded by individual supporters like yourself. Every dollar donated goes directly to the programming offered at the Chabad House.

Over the next 33 hours we'll need YOUR help! We will be raising  $80,000 in one day, to keep up with our growing community. 

Our matchers have given us a challenge:
For the next 33 hours YOUR donations to Chabad are super-charged!

How it works:

* Every donation is DOUBLED! That means that for every dollar you give, Chabad UIC will get $2.

* The campaign is ALL OR NOTHING – we must raise the full amount within 33 hours, or all donations will be returned.

We thank you in advance for your support. It means so much to us.


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